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by Zubin


什么学习编程实际上教会了我 (What learning to code actually taught me)

I have to admit it. I love to code. But it wasn’t always this way. In fact, I am a perfect cliché. I started enjoying it only when I stuck with it for so long that I started to get the hang of it.

我必须承认。 我喜欢编码。 但这并不总是这样。 实际上,我是个老套。 我只有在坚持了很长时间之后才开始享受它,以至于开始抓住它。

To be clear, coding is the only thing I’ve ever done where you spend most of your time ‘failing’. Broken code is the norm, and fixing it, finding bugs, and building stuff that works smoothly requires inordinate patience, research, focus, and persistence. But the lessons learned allow you to progress.

需要明确的是,编码是我做过的唯一一件事,即大部分时间都“失败”。 坏代码是常态,要修复它,发现错误并构建可以正常运行的东西,需要过分的耐心,研究,专注和持久性。 但是,汲取的教训可以使您不断进步。

As we get older, we acquire beliefs that demotivate us. Our attitudes and expectations start becoming self-limiting, usually subconsciously. Even if our conscious minds accept the science of neuroplasticity, our subconscious beliefs haven’t internalised this knowledge. In fact, we aren’t even conscious of the litany of excuses that run through our mental operating system, as to why we won’t acquire new knowledge or skills.

随着年龄的增长,我们获得了激励我们的信念。 我们的态度和期望通常会在潜意识中开始变得自我限制。 即使我们的意识头脑接受了神经可塑性的科学,我们的潜意识也没有将这种知识内在化。 实际上,对于为什么我们不会获得新的知识或技能,我们甚至没有意识到贯穿我们的心理操作系统的各种借口。

Here are some you’ll recognise:


  • You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

  • Only kids can learn new things fast

  • It’s too hard

  • I hated school/uni

  • It’s better to stick to what you’re good at than learn new stuff

  • I don’t have the time

  • You’ve got to be a nerd / genius / brainiac

  • You’ve got to have a certain bent of mind / I’m not that ‘type’


Only the last one is true, and not in the way you’re using it.


For years I thought that you had to be “off the charts” smart to be a coder. It seemed an intellectual superpower. It was only when I read about Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, and many others being self-taught, as kids, in the pre-Internet era that I started to think — hang on, that doesn’t add up. If these people could teach themselves as kids, when all they had was school projects and old manuals, then this isn’t about innate genius. This is about persistent effort, and time spent.

多年来,我一直认为您必须聪明才能成为一名编码员。 似乎是一个知识超级大国。 只有当我读到杰克多尔西,伊隆·马斯克,比尔·盖茨,史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克,和其他许多人是自学成才的,像孩子一样,在预互联网 我开始思考的时代-坚持下去,这并没有加在一起。 如果这些人可以像孩子一样自学 ,而当时他们只是学校的项目和旧的手册,那么这与天生的天才无关。 这是关于持续的努力和花费的时间。

I started to research this more, and realised that a lot of coders are self-taught, and don’t view themselves as particularly gifted. Like all skills, the outliers are gifted. But they’re outliers. The good and great ones just kept doing it, again and again, until they got good enough to do whatever they wanted.

我开始对此进行更多的研究,并意识到许多编码员是自学成才的,并且并不认为自己是特别有天赋的。 像所有技能一样,异常值是有天赋的。 但是它们是离群值。 好人和​​好人一次又一次地坚持下去,直到他们变得足够擅长做自己想做的事为止。

I started to see a pattern. As a “recovering lawyer”, I’ve been told that “you must be really smart to be a lawyer”. I disagree. If you reflect upon it, I’m sure you’ve met smart and not-so-smart people in all walks of life, and surprisingly, in the same walk of life. And on the other hand, some people you’d assume have to be smart to do what they do turned out to be very regular folks.

我开始看到一种模式。 作为“恢复律师”,有人告诉我“成为律师必须非常聪明”。 我不同意。 如果您对此进行反思,我相信您会遇到各行各业的聪明人和不那么聪明的人,并且令人惊讶的是,在同一行人中。 另一方面,您认为有些人必须很聪明才能做他们所​​做的事情,结果证明他们是非常普通的人。

Some of our biggest figures in history insist that they are ordinary people that made extraordinary decisions and choices. Remarkable people often do unremarkable things and unremarkable people often do remarkable things.

我们历史上一些最大的人物坚持认为,他们是做出非凡决定和选择的普通人。 杰出的人常常做不起眼的事情,杰出的人常常做不起事。

Clearly, my beliefs were wrong. Maybe “smart” is a self-limiting concept, because it suggests you’re born with it or not. This is a cultural bias, a belief that being smart is a static, innate, congenital, universal attribute. Actually, being smart is always relative to a skill, and it’s a sliding scale. You can move up it, in the right direction, with persistent effort.

显然,我的信念是错误的。 也许“聪明”是一个自我限制的概念,因为它表明您是否生来就有它。 这是一种文化偏见,认为聪明是一种静态的,先天的,先天的,普遍的属性。 实际上,聪明总是与技能相关的,并且是一个不断变化的尺度。 您可以不断地朝着正确的方向向上移动。

So, I had fallen into the same misconception. I assumed you needed to already possess great “smarts” to be a coder, just like others presumed I needed great “smarts” to qualify to be a lawyer.

因此,我陷入了同样的误解。 我以为您需要已经具备出色的“聪明才智”才能成为编码员,就像其他人假定我需要出色的“聪明才智”才有资格成为律师一样。

Can you imagine if Henry Ford, Edison, Jobs, the Wright Brothers, Disney, Einstein and others thought that? What would our world be like?

您能想象亨利·福特,爱迪生,乔布斯,莱特兄弟,迪斯尼,爱因斯坦和其他人是否这样认为? 我们的世界会是什么样?

No, it’s not worth thinking about.


Instead, let’s focus on how we disable and disqualify ourselves from learning through a combination of false beliefs, and false expectations. That way, we can self-correct when we disqualify ourselves. Better yet, we can make sure we don’t infect our kids with our false beliefs.

相反,让我们集中于如何通过错误的信念和错误的期望相结合来使自己失去学习的资格和丧失学习的资格。 这样,当我们失去资格时,我们可以进行自我纠正。 更好的是,我们可以确保我们不会以我们的错误信念感染我们的孩子。

错误信念1:机敏是内在的 (False Belief 1: Smartness is inherent)

Nope. It’s acquired. And since it’s always relative, you’re always dumber than someone else. So keep growing.

不。 它被收购了。 而且由于它总是相对的,所以您总是比其他人更愚蠢。 因此,保持增长。

错误信念2:我的大脑学习不如我长大 (False Belief 2: My brain doesn’t learn as fast as I get older)

Actually, not true either. In fact, as you get older you learn how to learn better. Unlike your body, your mind at age 75 can be orders of magnitude better than it was at 25. Ask Benjamin Franklin.

其实也不是。 实际上,随着年龄的增长,您将学习如何更好地学习 。 与您的身体不同,您75岁时的思想可能比25岁时好很多。请问本杰明·富兰克林。

What really happens is that our focus, attention, self-belief and discipline weaken and waste away as we get older, through lack of exercise. It’s not age, it’s that we’re out of practice. We have become intellectually flabby.

真正发生的是,随着年龄的增长,由于缺乏运动,我们的注意力,注意力,自信心和纪律会减弱并浪费掉。 这不是年龄,而是我们没有实践。 我们在智力上变得松弛。

For many of us, the last time we really studied something was at university, and that was years ago. We kept learning what we loved to learn — hobbies, how to use Facebook, open-water SCUBA diving, how to upload filtered pictures on Instagram — because we found it enjoyable. But the stuff that is “work” we tend to avoid, and so lose practice.

对于我们中的许多人来说,上一次真正地学习某些东西是在大学之前,那是几年前的事。 我们一直在学习自己喜欢学习的东西-兴趣爱好,如何使用Facebook,SCUBA公开水域潜水,如何在Instagram上上传过滤后的图片-因为我们发现它很有趣。 但是,我们倾向于避免“工作”的东西,因此会失去实践。

You can get it back. And get better with time.

你可以拿回来。 随着时间的流逝变得更好。

错误信念3:对其他人来说更容易 (False Belief 3: It comes easier to other people)

This one is particularly harmful, because it makes us feel inadequate and overwhelmed. Hence it is incredibly discouraging to the point that we don’t even try to take the first step. And it’s simply not true. That is just how it appears.

这是特别有害的,因为它使我们感到不足和不知所措。 因此,令人难以置信的是,我们甚至不尝试迈出第一步。 这根本不是真的。 也就是说,它只是显示方式。

Let me tell you how deceptive this appearance is.


We tend to judge our insides by other peoples’ outsides.


Read that again.


We compare our innermost thoughts and feelings with how others appear on the outside. In a world viewed through Instagram filters, this will make us all feel incompetent, fat, ugly, stupid, and poor.

我们将我们内心的想法和感觉与他人在外面的出现进行比较 。 在通过Instagram筛选器查看的世界中,这将使我们所有人感到无能,肥胖,丑陋,愚蠢和贫穷。

In fact, the belief that it comes easier to others is so subtle, that even my closest family assume that I am “naturally motivated”. ?

实际上,这种相信他人容易接受的想法是如此微妙,以至于即使我最亲近的家庭也认为我是“天生有动机的”。 ?

Let me put this to rest now. Motivation was the result of applying the learnings that I’m now, finally, spilling out in this blog. It was not the cause. It was a consequence.

现在让我休息一下。 动机是运用我现在所学的知识的结果 ,最后,该知识在本博客中得到了推广。 这不是原因。 这是后果。

Let me labour this point.


It was hard. It is hard. It will continue to be hard. , almost every day, on things I’ve been doing for years. Some days I’m motivated, but my mind still wants to talk me into taking the easy way.

那个挺难。 很难。 这将继续困难。 几乎每天都在为已经从事多年的工作进行 。 有时候我有动力,但是我的头脑仍然想让我采取简单的方法。

I don’t always WANT to practice code, read, ride instead of take a tram, go to the gym, abstain from eating an extra pie. I almost never FEEL like it. Every single day, my mind comes up with hundreds of excuses or slippery ways to trick me into taking the easy way out. The thing that is easier, is recognising what my mind is doing. Because as Tony Robbins says:

我并不总是想练习代码,阅读,骑车而不是坐电车,去健身房,放弃吃多余的馅饼。 我几乎从来没有喜欢过它。 每一天,我都会想出数百种借口或溜溜的方法来欺骗我采取简单的出路。 比较容易的事情是认识到我在做什么。 正如Tony Robbins所说:

It’s not your mind … it’s THE mind.

And then I do it anyway. That’s not motivation. That’s discipline. Motivation is a flaky friend that relies on charm to win you over. Instead, discipline wears a smelly hoody, sits in the corner and doesn’t say much, but shows up every time, is reliable, and delivers the goods.

然后我还是这样做。 那不是动机。 那是纪律。 动力是一个依靠魅力吸引您的片状朋友。 取而代之的是,纪律穿着臭的连帽衫,坐在角落里,不多说,但是每次都出现,可靠并且可以运送货物。

That’s the rule to manage False Belief #3 (you may never get rid of it, so just manage it). It doesn’t come easy to anyone. It just gets easier to manage the more you practice managing it. You’re never going to feel like it, so do it anyway. Just do it. Anyway.

这就是管理虚假信念3的规则(您可能永远也不会摆脱它,因此只需对其进行管理即可)。 任何人都不容易。 您练习管理它的次数越多,管理起来就越容易。 您永远不会感觉到它,因此还是要这么做。 去做就对了。 无论如何。

Then others can look at you and say it came easy to you.


Oh, and it’s not just me. Take any person who inspires you. I mean it — any person at all. And ask them. Or read about them. You will see that it looked easy because you only saw the briefest, most superficial subset of their life. And you saw it through your filter. Behind the scenes they worked and worked and practiced and overcame resistance, negativity, and failure repeatedly with no evidence that it was going anywhere, or that they were making progress.

哦,不只是我。 采取任何启发您的人。 我是说真的-任何人。 并问他们。 或阅读有关它们的信息。 您会发现它看起来很简单,因为您只看到了他们一生中最短暂,最肤浅的一环。 您通过过滤器看到了它。 他们在幕后工作,工作和练习,并反复克服了抵抗,消极和失败,没有证据表明它正在四处走动或正在取得进展。

Now let’s talk about some expectations you might have that won’t help you all that much.


错误的期望1:它将变得更容易 (False Expectation 1: It will get easier)

Yes. But only if you’ve stopped pushing yourself. If you’re finding it easy, it’s because you’re on a plateau. Plateaus are inevitable. Just don’t stay there. Level up.

是。 但是,只有在您停止推动自己的情况下。 如果您发现这很容易,那是因为您处于高原。 高原是不可避免的。 只是不要呆在那里。 升级。

错误期望2:它将很快发生 (False Expectation 2: It will happen quickly)

No. it won’t. It will be harder than you expect, yet more achievable than you realise.

不,不会。 这将比您预期的要难,但比您意识到的要容易实现。

Read that sentence again.


And it will take longer than you bargained for. That is where most of your frustration will come from, as the passage of time will make you doubt and fear more. You will look for quick wins, and easy trophies. They will come. But well after the point you imagined, and as a reward for persisting past that trough of sorrow, when they can’t legitimately be called quick or easy anymore.

这将比您讨价还价要花费更长的时间。 那就是大部分挫败感的发源地,随着时间的流逝,您会更加怀疑和恐惧。 您将寻找快速的胜利和简单的奖杯。 他们会来。 但是,在您想像过的那一刻之后,并且作为对坚持越过悲伤之谷的一种奖励,当他们不再合法地被称为快速或轻松时。

错误的期望3:你的生活将会改变 (False Expectation 3: Your life will change)

Maybe. Maybe not. Only one thing is guaranteed to change. You.

也许。 也许不会。 保证只有一件事会改变。 您。

And seriously, that’s the starting point. From there, you can move steadily in the direction of the life changes you seek.

认真地说,这就是起点。 从那里,您可以朝着寻求改变的生活方向稳步前进。

But the contents of your life will not change until you change. And if you have practiced persisting through repeated failure in something like learning a new skill, you will come out of it with insights and confidence that will help you overcome all the other setbacks in your life. And if you’re always trying to expand your life, you will always encounter those failures. That’s good. Failure is a sign of progress. Just keep going. And .

但是,除非改变,否则生活的内容就不会改变。 而且,如果您通过反复失败而坚持不懈地坚持学习诸如学习新技能之类的方法,那么您将获得洞察力和信心,这将帮助您克服生活中的所有其他挫折。 而且,如果您始终试图扩大自己的生活,那么您总是会遇到这些失败。 非常好。 失败是进步的标志。 尽管继续。 并 。

What inspired me to write this specific post:


  • and the FreeCodeCamp community generally.

    和FreeCodeCamp社区的 。

[Update] Quincy at FreeCodeCamp has relaunched the , and uses his incredible experience as an educator to pull together content that will help you on your journey. I was recently on and some of the things in this post are covered in greater detail there. You can also access the podcast on , , and or directly from .

[ 更新 ] FreeCodeCamp的Quincy重新推出了 ,并利用他作为教育工作者的令人难以置信的经验整理了有助于您旅途的内容。 我最近在 ,这篇文章中的某些内容在此有更详细的介绍。 您也可以在 , 和上访问播客,或直接从此 。

If you would like to talk about your journey, I would love to listen. Tweet me . If you think what you just read could be useful to someone, please share it.

如果您想谈一谈您的旅程,我很想听听。 给我发 。 如果您认为您刚刚阅读的内容可能对某人有用,请与他人分享。

Founder at


Follow my and, if you’re so inclined, hit me up on .

跟随我的 ,如果您愿意,可以在上打我。




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